LCA is complex
LCA tools are difficult to grasp and impact databases are complex to navigate.
Tools and databases are expensive and it's you who bears the risk
Creating accurate LCAs requires a significant investment in paid databases and powerful tools.
Data collection on the value chain is difficult and time-consuming
This part can sometimes represent 80% of the time spent on the project, and the added value to the client is low.
Its scope is limited
Lessons are generally drawn from the LCAs of one or a few products at most, due to time and budget constraints.
Invite your client
They'll have free access to a Sapiologie Impact account which allows them to collect inventory data and access analyses. At the end of your mission, they will benefit from a tool that will allow them to fully appropriate the eco-design approach.
Invite their suppliers
1. Your client's supplier receives an invitation and access to the modeling of their products free of charge. 2. They can validate or adjust assumptions made about their products and benefit from detailed LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) of their products, which they can then share with their clients. 3. They can engage, as well as their own suppliers, in a process to reduce their impacts, benefiting the entire value chain.
Assign tasks to them
And exchange documents.
Interpret the results
No need to export the data to exploit it. Many charts and tables are generated automatically
Make assumptions
In R&D mode, test eco-design alternatives at the product or organization scale
Mandatory purchase of the entire database (Approx 24k activities)
Sapology x Ecoinvent
Pay only for what you use
Improve your skills in social LCA
Pull maximum inventory made by your customers and generate social CLV for 1 click more!
You save (a lot of) time thanks to our AI
However, finding the right process or flow in Ecoinvent can prove to be a real challenge.